Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

2016/The End

As the last sun set on 2017 I didn’t really think of It as different or special. I have seen so many lovely such scenes in the last few years, in the time of my heart recognizing the magnificence of day fading into the horizon. I wonder that people wait until a designated date to examine their lives, their progress and goals for the future. Why, indeed, did it become necessary to slice out chunks of time and mark them on paper the way we have done? The marking of time has not served us well, in my humble opinion. It makes us harried, impatient, fearful and old. What if, instead, we simply viewed the rise and set of the sun as markers of opportunity, the chance for a fresh start with every rising disc of fire and the sweet relief of repose when it slips into the earth again? With no deadlines, no limits, no need to rush or plan, but instead just living each moment as the very first and last one that exists would be so freeing!


Resolution? I am resolute to live my life authentically in the face of pretense, to be honest in the shadow of deceit, to be brave when fear seeks to consume me, and to see love and be love in a world that is long on resolutions and short on action.


Instead of looking back on what life has meant to me over the last measure of human time, I would like to simply remember all the perfect moments I have experienced in the glow of endless sunsets, wondering at the power which keeps it all together.

After our dinner and a brief shopping stop, I looked up and realized what a lovely sunset I was about to miss, the very last one of our 2016. I snapped a quick shot and am sharing it with you here…



…And to say I will be so happy to share the first brilliant sunrise of 2017 with all of you.

Happy, Happy New Year!