Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

Some Things are Constant

Are you all grown up? Are we ever? There are many things about me that have evolved, especially in the last decade, with regard to personal growth and emotional development.

I once read that a person’s basic personality and habits are pretty much developed by the age of four, making it crucial to guide our young ones during those formative years. In raising four sons I have found this to be a fairly accurate postulation.

Me? Have I changed much between four and 58? Well, in packing for our move I found some old evidence that makes a few strong arguments for the hypothesis above.



Have I really changed?

Nyeh. 😏Not so much.




But..,.I write very interesting stories. 🙄 Thanks Mrs Bauman. What a tough cookie she was. But we had a saltwater aquarium that year. I got to see a seahorse hatch babies! Little rainbows…


How about you? How much have you changed since elementary school? Would you recognize yourself? My heart still writes the same way as it did way back then. I just know bigger words now. And more about joy and pain.

