Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

Maiden Flight


I never imagined, when I took my evening stroll around the yard,  that I would be more thrilled than watching the golden ladies swaying in the evening breeze. But a little scratching on the roof drew my attention away from the garden; and as I shielded my eyes against the glare of the setting sun, I almost didn’t believe what I saw.


A hawk? Should I run for my camera before it disappeared again or run for cover in case it had a nest nearby and felt protective? Then I stepped away from the light and took a second look. To my pure amazement and joy, I realized the intruder was a baby Osprey! It spread its wings a little bit and staggered, finding a place of balance on the edge of the roof as a few remaining downy birth feathers fluttered in the breeze.

I went inside and returned with my camera, taking dozens of photos over the next hour as I sat nearby, just watching this new arrival to the Dream. It was so calm, so patient, so willing to wait for what this new life had to offer. We looked into each other’s eyes with so much unspoken appreciation. I silently wished it well and whispered that I hoped it would come back to visit again. Already so much wisdom in its eyes….what an honor to have shared its first voyage into adventure-its maiden flight.
