Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

Most Cherished/CBF 2016




When I began to consider what I would post about in this year’s Cherished Blogfest, my mind wandered to many “things” that I treasure, admire, love and hold dear.  Last year it was my children that won out.

This time, in light of the recent bend in the road that I have encountered that leads me into a new, exciting and (for a Cancer like me) frightening direction, my thoughts moved from the physical to the philosophical.

I am a digger, you see, choosing to shovel beneath the obvious in my search for meaning, for the root of the all that is. So many things have a beginning and yet the beginning is so elusive to our human mind because most of us believe that existence is infinite, with no beginning or end.  I try to reach out and grasp the concept, to allow myself to drift into the bosom of its perfection, but inevitably I hit a wall where my mind wants to make sense of how something always was.  In my humble opinion, no matter what your religious inclination-or not-it boils down to a matter of faith.  Faith in the unknown, the unknowable beyond this physical realm, the simple faith that it all means something.

My cherished object, then, is opportunity. You see that gorgeous sunrise in the photo above?  Folks, there has been a sunrise since the moment the Light of Creation smiled on our Earth-a new one with every passing of what we now call a day.  When I open my eyes and see her glimmering, teasing smile through the cracks of my blinds I feel hope and the overwhelming gracious gift that Nature is, whispering that I have yet another chance to get it right.

If you wake with breath in your lungs, you already have the greatest gift ever intended by the Creator.  Our life, our choice, our opportunity. 




Seize the day!!

What is your most cherished item ?

Write about it and share it with others who really want to know!  Sign up here . It’s not too late but soon will be!  What are you waiting for? This is as good an opportunity as any.
