Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

Love’s Soft Light/Poetry

Love’s Soft Light

Love's soft light

Love’s soft light
slips into the dark
cracks of emptiness
to fill the heart with 
longing, passion,
and deep desire-
the light becomes the fire!

It must be fed,
nurtured, tended,
lest it blaze out of
control, singeing all in
its wandering path,
leaving a broken heart
as tenderness departs.

Touch me, hear me,
see the truth in my eyes
as I try to look into
the cold emptiness
that defines the only we
that ever seemed to be
behind the wall you built for me.

In the garden waits
the moment,
in my heart lies the secret,
in your hand remains
the key.

Cheryl KP

copyright photo and words