Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

A Nod to 2017

2017 year has flown by.  So much happened for us, it could hardly be called boring.  Some was less than thrilling but always we found goodness in everything we experienced.


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A lot of bloggers and friends have been reflecting on the past year and their growth, whether or not to have resolutions and regrets, and reflecting on what the new year might have in store.

The only thing I can say about the past and the future from my own perspective is that they both interfere with my appreciation of the now.  As an empath I have often dwelt too much on things of the past, longing for happier and simpler times; and as the sign of Cancer, I have spent a lot of time dreaming of the future I will finally feel “at home” in, without fear, struggle and lack of confidence.  Again, such thoughts interfere with truly living in the now moment, for to quote a great song, “Tomorrow never comes…” As a quick nod to the past, I post this Elvis song, for it was always a favorite of my mother.



Have I grown over the past year? If I said no, how sad would that be for any of us? Since I truly believe we came to this life for the sole purpose of growth and adventure, how could we be satisfied to really pass an entire year without some sort of growth, understanding or change to a life well lived. While these times of change may not always be joyful or fun filled, all things must pass in order to reach our goals.


I have to say that this past year has been both painful and exhilarating for me, ending with one of the happiest moves I have made in years, landing me in a terrific city at a job that is wonderful.  I am surrounded by truly nice people and going to the clinic each day does not bring trepidation or anxiety and for this I am truly thankful.  My family is well, although some are having their share of health issues. We keep them in our prayers.  My children and grandchildren are great; and, Spirit willing, I will be able to spend more time with them in the coming months.


I thought I would share some highlights for us from this past year and you can decide for yourself if I “grew” any.  One thing that remains constant is my love of photographing nature, having new adventures and getting together with my family, friends and sharing stories with all my online friends. I have enjoyed all of you and your blog posts throughout 2017.  My wish is that we can all meet back here in another year saying it was the best yet!  Now on to the past year.




Click on the photos for captions. Anyone who knows me knows there have been SO many moments captured and treasured and often you will find those in my poetry posts.  I look forward to sharing many wonderful adventures with all of you and hearing about yours.


And so I am wishing you a very Happy New Year in 2018 with highest hopes for joy, prosperity, vision and resolution for our world, its resources and all living on this magnificent blue and green rock we call home.



And we hope to share new smiles with you soon!  Be safe as you celebrate.