Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

“Look Ma! No Hands”/Anhinga Fishing



On our recent daybreak excursion we saw some beautiful creatures.  Watching their rituals is one of the highlights of photography for me.  Although I wish the light had been better, I snapped a dozen photos of this anhinga fishing and managed to get a few that I thought were pretty good.




The anhinga catches its prey any way it can, then proceeds to maneuver it into a position that will be manageable for it to swallow.

Sometimes just a shift of the beak will do it.



But at other times a little more ‘finesse’ is required…..




As well as some pure talent!  How about that flip, folks?




And ‘breakfast is served’!


Now where can I dry my wings……




Ahhhh…..salutations, Morning!

CKP copyright photos