Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

Meanwhile..Back in the Studio


So, as much as I love being out in nature and capturing it with my camera, I also love creating things. So many different things. I love to color, draw, paint, make pottery and jewelry…pretty much anything that involves imagination. I don’t usually share all of my projects but I was so excited after completing my button piece I just had to share it here.


It all started with this huge collection of buttons given to me by a friend at work. First I made some jewelry pieces with them which was fun and pretty well recieved.

My friend had the buttons all separated pretty well by color; and as I was cleaning up the organization a bit I had an idea to do a painitng with buttons as an added 3 dimensional enhancement. What follows is that process.



It took several weeks overall, but a lot of that was thinking  she was complete while continuing to add little touches here or there. One thing that holds true for me is that an art piece is never done until I hang it or give it away.



Until finally you put down the buttons, the glue and walk away.  Now she is hung and I consider her complete. What do you think?




And speaking of jewelry, I have seen these for awhile now and wanted to give them a try. Such fun! I love creating these tree of life pieces…..



Happy creating this week everyone!