Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

“Because I said So!” #1linerwednesday

A mother’s language is universal.




“But why can’t we go swimming with the Wood ducklings? They get to have all the fun.”



“Why do we have to listen to her? We can just go when she isn’t looking. Should we bring Teenie?”




“No way! She’s our decoy! On the count of three we go for it. Thanks Teenie!”


Mothers need eyes in back of their heads. (I know I have mine. It costs a fortune for glasses) And a word to all young mothers who have decided to let their children rule the household without any direction. There really are times when you don’t owe them any explanations. You may just save a life, or at least a few more gray hairs from popping out.

“Because I said so!”



This post is for Linda Hill’s #1linerwednesday prompt. Do visit her page and join the fun!