Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

Raindrops on Roses

….and whiskers on kittens.

Well, there was a rose……


..but no kittens.

Still, these are a few of my favorite things….




I love dewdrops.  Tiny domes of reflected wonder, Mother Nature’s tears of love for her Creation.


They cling and quiver as her breath whispers the sun out of hiding-

like glistening, transparent pearls they decorate her children.


My life is a reflection of Spirit,

existence is possible because of Creation’s thought,

the desire to love and be loved, to know and be known.

May you see its reflection in me and

I in you, magnificence that

fills the heavens with joy.

Love in a dewdrop,

Eternity in a grain of sand,

heart of the living


Cheryl KP

2017 Copyright