Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

For Love of Earth/Photography

hawks in june 2016 copyright ckp 042.NEF

What has happened to your world,


Darkness in their hearts unfurled,


 Can they not see

the majesty

of your Creation?

butterfly garden june 10 2016 108.NEF

Life is not for winning

a world  slowly spinning

whether we live or die.

Alone we are born and the same we depart,

such destiny ruled by the beat of a heart.

More same than they see

as they cut every tree,

dam up every sea

and look beyond me.

hawks in june 2016 copyright ckp 038.NEF

Forgive them as they make a mess

then turn to heaven in distress,

forgetting the vow

that all must bow

before the Thought of


not in supplication

but reverent appreciation

with Love for the All That Is.

hawks in june 2016 copyright ckp 012.NEF

Cheryl KP

2016 copyright words and photos