Tropical Affair

Observations of the illusion through the eyes of wonder…

Somewhere/ Poetry





  in the glint before sunrise
  the truth is known.

Between dark and light,
 between wrong and right
     it waits.

  in the breath before we wake
  our hearts find comfort.

Behind the veil of sleep,
 behind the mists that seep
  into thought.

  in the heartbeat of eternity
   we made a vow.

As we stepped in the Light,
 as we held each other tight
   and leapt!

  in the shadows of your soul
   you must remember.

But you turn away from me,
 and you still refuse to see
   my pain.

  between heaven and hell
   love lies.

And now it’s time to go
 and now you’ll never know
   my heart.

Till we meet again….somewhere.

Cheryl KP
This song I am linking to brings to mind soul mates for me.  So many people think of soul mates in terms of their one and only true love. While I believe soul mates often fall in love due to their history, my own personal understanding of soul mate agreement goes beyond romantic love and extends to the love of family and friendship.  Souls agree to find on another in life in order to share, grow and heal old wounds.  Not always culminating  in physical or emotional love, the bond is still strong and often leaves people confused as to why they feel such a strong connection to another when the logistics are out of kilter by definition of normal human expectation.  So, I say to never ignore that de ja vu feeling you get when you meet someone; but neither should you always assume it is the sign of true romantic love. Perhaps there are other reasons two people need to connect, but connect they should. If not, they could be left
feeling abandoned, unfulfilled and lonely.
Thank you Cher and Peter Cetera
If you have never seen Chances Are, you should catch it.  Precious film…..